Overwatch 2 Hints at Possible Mauga Rework

2024-07-03 14:44:56Source:gamespotAuthor:gamespot

According to reports, Overwatch 2 developers are considering reworking Mauga's abilities due to balance concerns. Specifically, his Cardiac Overdrive and incendiary bullets may see adjustments, with the goal of making Mauga more effective against squishy heroes. The potential rework aims to address any issues with the character's current performance and viability within the game's meta.

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Overwatch 2 has hinted at the possibility of reworking Mauga's abilities in the near future. Mauga is one of the newer additions to the game's roster, and his inclusion has highlighted an ongoing challenge that Blizzard's hero shooter continues to face - balancing the game's diverse cast of characters. The potential rework suggests that the development team is actively monitoring Mauga's performance and viability, with the goal of addressing any issues that may have arisen since his introduction.

Mauga, the Samoan tank hero, was introduced to Overwatch 2 back in December of last year. Players quickly recognized Mauga's exceptional strength, as he demonstrated high damage output, substantial durability, and the ability to self-heal and support his allies. However, Mauga's dominance became so pronounced that some Overwatch 2 players even went so far as to quit the game in protest of the character's perceived imbalance.

Since his debut, Mauga has been a frequent subject of balance adjustments, with the hero receiving five separate updates over the course of this year. Now, Overwatch 2 developers have hinted at the possibility of implementing more substantial changes to Mauga's kit, suggesting that the team is committed to addressing the ongoing challenges surrounding the character's balance and overall impact on the game's meta.

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Overwatch 2 developers have hinted at potential reworks for Mauga's Cardiac Overdrive ability and incendiary bullets, according to Lead Gameplay Designer Alec Dawson, who told Twitch streamer Spilo that the team is actively "looking at what they want to do with Cardiac Overdrive," with previous experiments leaving room for further testing and refinement. Additionally, the Overwatch 2 team has been examining the effectiveness of Mauga's incendiary bullets against squishy targets, exploring ways to redistribute their impact to other aspects of the hero's kit, with the goal of making Mauga more rewarding and impactful when played against fragile, high-priority enemy heroes.

Mauga and Overwatch 2's Ongoing Balance Challenges

Mauga's Cardiac Overdrive ability provides a 5-second duration where he and his allies receive a 30% damage reduction, while 60% of the damage dealt to enemies is converted into healing for Mauga and his team. His primary fire, the Incendiary Chaingun, fires 18 bullets per second out of a total of 300, dealing direct damage, and if an enemy is hit 10 times, they will take additional damage for the next three seconds.

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While Alec Dawson did not provide specifics on Mauga's potential rework, adjustments to his Cardiac Overdrive ability could align with Overwatch 2's plans to position him as a more aggressive, diving tank, given the hero class's emphasis on impressive defensive capabilities and high mobility. Additionally, Mauga's Incendiary Chaingun can effectively engage larger targets, but may struggle against enemies with smaller hitboxes, so a rework could aim to enhance his performance against these squishy heroes, though this risks tipping the balance in Mauga's favor against other tanks. As Overwatch 2 continues to monitor and refine Mauga's place in the meta through frequent updates, players anxiously await the details of his potential rework and how it will impact his overall role and viability within the game.

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