Embark on a unique and intriguing school adventure in Amane’s TS Academy Life. With over 100,000 characters of text, 60 basic CG images, and 15 standing illustrations, immerse yourself in this gender transformation school life simulation. Explore various scenarios and enjoy the moaning voices during H scenes as you navigate through this complex and engaging storyline. Unlock all content and experience the convenience of features like nude standing illustration mode and CG recall. Dive into Amane's TS Academy Life and discover a whole new world of school excitement and challenges.
❤ Gender Transformation: Amane’s TS Academy Life is a unique gender transformation school life adventure game that tells the story of Amane-chan, who turns into a girl due to TS disease.
❤ H Scene Content: With over 60 basic CG images, 15 standing illustrations, and moaning voices during H scenes, the game offers a steamy and immersive experience.
❤ Convenient Systems: The game includes convenient systems such as nude standing illustration mode, text functions, and CG and recall mode for ease of use and enjoyment.
❤ Explore all options: Make use of the nude standing illustration mode to see the heroines’ sexy figures in any situation.
❤ Save frequently: Utilize the save, load, quick save, and quick load functions to ensure you don’t miss any crucial moments in the game.
❤ Pay attention to details: Take full advantage of the text functions to skip, auto-read, and access log history for a deeper understanding of the storyline.
With its immersive H scene content, convenient systems, and engaging gameplay, this game is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Download Amane’s TS Academy Life now and dive into Amane-chan’s thrilling school life journey!
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