Embark on a riveting journey with Hitomi's Sick Pleasure, a high school student facing a challenging situation involving a neighborhood bully named Hiroto. As Asahi struggles in silence, his mother Hitomi attempts to unravel the mystery behind her son's distress. With 5 new CGs, 1 mini CG, and over 13,500 words added, the game offers an immersive experience filled with lust, desire, and complex relationships. Explore various fetishes such as BDSM, exhibitionism, and voyeurism in this captivating storyline. Join the adventure today and discover the secrets hidden within!
- 5 new CGs: Experience visually stunning artwork that brings the story to life with 5 new character graphics.
- New Natsuki's Outfit: Discover a fresh look for one of the characters with a brand new outfit design.
- 13,500+ words added: Immerse yourself in an extended narrative with additional dialogue and storytelling.
- Free to play: Enjoy the game without any cost, making it accessible to all players.
- Patreon support: Gain early access to new versions, gallery passwords, and guides by becoming a donor.
- Share with friends: Spread the word about the game to your friends and help support the creators.
Is Hitomi's Sick Pleasure free to play?
-Yes, the game is free to play, but we rely on support from donors to continue developing the game and adding new content.
How can I support the developers?
-You can support us on Patreon to get early access to new versions, passwords for the gallery and scene room, and guides to help you navigate the game.
Can I enjoy the game without becoming a patron?
-Absolutely! We appreciate any support, whether it's through Patreon or simply by spreading the word and telling your friends about our game.
By supporting the creators on Patreon, players can access exclusive content and contribute to the continued development of the game. Share the excitement with friends and join a community of dedicated fans who enjoy the game's unique fetishes and engaging narrative. Download Hitomi's Sick Pleasure now and dive into the world of Asahi and Hitomi as they navigate challenges and desires in this gripping story.
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