Step into the eerie world of Adore The Doll (Demo), a horror/comedy game where a terrifying doll named Adore lurks in a house, claiming any girl who enters as her bride. In this demo version, follow the story of Quinn, a failed autistic patient who has never kissed a girl before, as he navigates the dangerous game of cat and mouse with Adore. Delve into the secrets and conspiracies hidden within the walls of the doll's harem as you witness Adore's ruthless pursuit of what she desires. Join the Discord community for a chance to contribute suggestions and experience the thrill of this unique and chilling game.
Horror/Comedy Theme: Experience a unique mix of horror and comedy in this game as you navigate through the story of Adore, the terrifying doll.
Unique Storyline: Follow Quinn, a failed autistic patient, as he interacts with Adore and discovers the secrets and conspiracies within the game.
Intriguing Characters: Meet Adore, the most terrifying doll in the world, and witness her actions as she claims any girl entering her home as her bride.
Basement Adventure: Explore the basement where Adore takes her brides, unraveling the mysteries and challenges waiting for you.
Discord Community: Join the Discord community for fun interactions and suggest future updates to enhance your gaming experience.
Thrilling Gameplay: Immerse yourself in the thrilling gameplay of Adore the Doll, where you can watch Adore take what she wants and punish those she hates.
It offers a unique and captivating horror/comedy experience with its intriguing storyline, challenging gameplay, and stunning visuals. Dive into the world of Adore, the terrifying doll, and uncover the secrets and conspiracies lurking within the house. Join Quinn on his perilous journey and see if you can escape the clutches of Adore. Download Adore The Doll (Demo) now and prepare for a spine-chilling adventure unlike any other.
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