In the immersive world of Episicava, various factions with unique abilities collide. However, there is a special group known as the Emulators who possess all the powers of these races. Meet Arin Arlento, a member of this powerful but isolated group, living peacefully in a remote village with his grandfather and fellow Emulators. Sadly, their peaceful existence is shattered when the Northmen Empire slaughters the Emulators and abducts their childhood friend, Aria. As the sole survivor, Arin flees to the Norse home continent, Rakos, where he uncovers Aria's captivity and experiments being conducted on her. Fueled by hatred and loss, Arin embarks on a perilous quest to rescue his friend and seek revenge against those who destroyed his world.
- Unique Faction Abilities: Explore the world of Episicava and choose from factions like Tonitrui, Surplus, Praecantator, Permuto, and Northmanni, each with their own distinct set of powerful abilities.
- Special Group of Emulators: Uncover the secrets of the Emulators, a small but powerful group of individuals who possess all the abilities of the other races.
- Compelling Storyline: Immerse yourself in the captivating story of Arin Arlento, a survivor who embarks on a quest for revenge after his village is destroyed and his childhood friend is kidnapped.
- Diverse Locations: Journey through various landscapes and explore the remote village, the Norse home continent of Rakos, and other breathtaking settings filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures.
- Intense Action and Strategy: Engage in intense battles and utilize strategic tactics to overcome enemies, rescue your friend Aria, and seek retribution against those who have caused you pain.
- Stunning Visuals and Soundtrack: Experience the visually stunning world of Episicava with its captivating graphics and immersive soundtrack, enhancing the overall gameplay and making it an unforgettable experience.
Join Arin Arlento as he seeks revenge and fights to rescue his kidnapped friend. Explore diverse landscapes, engage in intense battles, and enjoy stunning visuals and a captivating soundtrack. Download Episicava now and immerse yourself in this exciting and immersive RPG experience.
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